We are always looking for Coaches for our development and competitive programs.

Coach Applications should be sent to bscadmin@barriesoccer.com.

All applications will be reviewed and only potential candidates will be contacted for an interview with our Technical Staff.

COACHES THAT stand out.

Coaches are at the heart of the Barrie Soccer Club’s program success. We have a coaching development pathway, which includes an ongoing coach mentorship program, for recreational, competitive coaches, as well as students. We most recently started a Female Coach Mentorship Program in 2021.

The Barrie Soccer Club adheres to the principles set out by Ontario Soccer and other governing bodies and follow a rigorous stepped approach toward coach selection. We utilize a pathway process that involves interviews, review of qualifications, training, background checks and evaluation of the individual's overall capabilities and commitment to the sport.

At times, coaches receive reimbursement for courses needed to further their knowledge and development. Ensuring our coaches are successful paves the way for a higher standard of learning and development for our players.

Our structure consists of the Technical Director setting the strategy and curriculum for the Barrie Soccer Club. Each division of the development and competitive programs will have an allocated Technical Lead, who reports to the Technical Director. Each Technical Lead may recruit Assistant Coaches to help them execute the curriculum effectively.

We also recruit volunteer coaches in the Spring for our multi-divisional House League, which runs from May to August. If you are interested in learning more about becoming a coach with the Barrie Soccer Club, please reach out to our Technical Director - BSCTD@barriesoccer.com